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Friday, December 27, 2013

So this is the new year...

Not quite, but I love Death Cab for Cutie and always think of this song around New Years. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! This Christmas break has been a very restful one. In fact, this is the first time I haven't worked on school work in forever. This shall change as it gets closer to school time.

Anywho, I wanted to post a couple things. One thing I wanted to mention were new years resolutions. The past couple years, I didn't make any but I decided to this year. To name a few...

  • Cut back on working on school work at home.
  • Work out more (I definitely have to stick to this since our school is going to start the biggest loser competition)
  • Eat better.
  • Blog more.
  • Post more products on my TPT store.
  • Get a better handle on Math I, Math II, and Science in terms of grading, planning, finding resources, etc...
  • Be more organized!
I figured if I had a handful of resolutions, I'm more likely to accomplish at least one, right? I guess we shall see!

Speaking of new products, I recently posted a new product in my TPT store on inequalities. Included in the download are interactive notebook foldables for both one and two step inequalities, word problem templates, examples, and pictures. Here are some pics of my notebook:

1 comment:

  1. Love these interactive notebook foldables. Including word problems are such a great idea! I too often overlook those in our notebooks. ...I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Check out my blog to learn more! Smack Dab in the Middle
